Thursday, May 1, 2014

"The notion of Agriculture Jokowi Already Many By, Stay Execution Only .."

Later many more who think Joko Widodo . Not only about TransJakarta rusty , but now the Jakarta governor began thinking about building the agricultural sector . Yes , as a prospective candidate for President of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI - P ) , the man who is familiarly called Jokowi it , the vision - mission began opening its economy .

Six ideas for agriculture was rolled out . On the sidelines of his visit in the agricultural areas of Bogor , West Java , on Sunday ( 27/04/2014 ) , Jokowi call , need security in order not converted farmland , infrastructure and agricultural technology , assistance to farmers , as well as the agricultural bank .
( Read: download suara burung masteran )

Already very full it seems . However , is there anything that still escape the attention of the former mayor of Solo ? Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Lampung ( UNILA ) , Bustanul Arifin , confirming the notion that rolled six Jokowi it . None the less he said . However, he was sure it was not new .

" Anybody often talk like that . Thing people wait now it is execution . Secondly , international diplomacy , " said Bustanul contacted , Thursday ( 05/01/2014 ) night .

He said international diplomacy in the agricultural sector should also be noted that government will come . That , he added , does not mean that Indonesia should be considered internationally as the enemy . " But it should be also considered supply side of our agricultural products , " he said .

Bustanul said , Indonesia has the potential of a large middle class , with the consumptive behavior is also high . Moreover , he said , young people today are not too concerned where the products they consume , whether local or imported . " What is important belongings there , and hopefully cheaper , especially has become a lifestyle , " he said .

" So it has to be considered farm build two side , supply side and demand side , " he said .

In line with Bustanul , agricultural observers of Indonesian Political Economy Association , Khudori also stated , the idea of six agricultural Jokowi , everything is relatively unknown to the public . " That is nothing new . Though not easy to execute that has been delivered , " said Khudori to , Thursday night .

Khudori said , in addition to securing land in order to avoid the conversion , the most important is the expansion of land .

He said , among Asian countries , land area per capita food lowest Indonesia . For example, compared with Thailand , Vietnam , India , and China . "The Philippines , and Singapore do not enter the comparison , they did not produce food , but imports , " he said .

He added , to suppress alihfungsi land , the government actually has a legal umbrella , namely Law 41 of 2009 on the Protection of Agricultural Land Sustainable Food . However , the rules of derivatives has not been executed well , as a matter of spatial regulation .

Then , the idea of ​​a bank for agriculture , he hopes the government to amend the bold front of the Banking Act . That's because the only known system in which commercial banks and rural banks . While the agricultural sector has its own financial characteristics .

Meanwhile , according Khudori about agricultural infrastructure must also be repaired . He said , infrastructure is fairly well the new order . Meanwhile, since the reform until now , there were as many as 52 percent of agricultural infrastructure , damaged .

"If agricultural technology we have actually been a lot of research , but again no guarantee that the research results are implemented . Going forward , when it should have been generated , which must be considered is how to keep it disseminated , so that could be adopted by the farmers , " said Khudori .


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